Lucky Number Seven
Seven years ago, I said goodbye to my corporate job and decided to press my luck as a freelancer. Continue Reading →
Life After … Work. Relating to all the ups and downs, ins and outs of running my own business. I’m an entrepreneur, bitches!
Seven years ago, I said goodbye to my corporate job and decided to press my luck as a freelancer. Continue Reading →
Well my friends, here we are, one month into yet another new year. How can it possibly be 2015??? I’m totally in denial, because this year is a big one for me Continue Reading →
While I refuse to do “resolutions” for the new year (or for anything, really), that doesn’t mean that I won’t use the opportunity of a new year to reflect and Continue Reading →
This is my 101st post! Woohoo! To mark this milestone, I plan to not only listen to the Depeche Mode album of the same name, but I also joined the Continue Reading →
(now the ABBA song is in your head, too! you’re welcome!) We’ve all heard the following career advice, regardless of whether or not we agree with the sentiment: (to paraphrase) Continue Reading →
So suddenly, I am living alone in what has become a very large living space for me, a crazy spinster cat lady (or whatever my official title is these days). Continue Reading →
I thought I would share my “reboot and restructure” adventures to let you know how it went. Honestly, results were mixed — as I am sure you can tell, as this Continue Reading →
Time flies. Seriously! Although I find myself with a much lighter workload, I feel like I am busier than ever. I am constantly amazed when I look at the clock Continue Reading →
So here I am, four days into my new life as an independent contractor. Life is good! Or it will be … because right now, it is exactly the same Continue Reading →
I quit my job; today is my last day. My life is about to change! No, I didn’t win the lottery (hopefully that will be a future post) but I Continue Reading →