Chaos and Other Insanity

Holy crap, how is it July already? Is 2012 really half over? If the insanity and utter chaos of the past several weeks is any indication, the holidays will be here in a hot second.

I know I’ve been a bit silent on the old blog here recently, thanks to a ridiculous amount of chaos, confusion, drama, weather-related panics, postapocalyptic preparations and other craziness. Needless to say it’s been an eventful start to the summer, a season which this year I vowed would be my “summer of fun”.


ChaosSome of the highlights so far:

  • Filed for divorce and changed back to the maiden name. Embracing the closure and beginning of what’s next.
  • Jumped into fabulous new work project.
  • Had a massive, multi-day WordPress crash, effectively erasing Life After Normal. Panic ensued.
  • Lost power. For four days.
  • Lost air conditioning. For six days … and counting.
  • Visit from parents and their pooch. Who were staying with me. In my powerless, AC-free apartment.
  • Moved self and kitties to a hotel for two days to escape the 86 degree apartment. In case you were wondering, my cats aren’t a fan of cars. Or hotels.
  • Got into a fender bender with a car filled with crazy drunk girls (no, the drunk girls were in the other car).
  • Watched summer travel plans go *kaboom* in my face and attempting to salvage a few trips.
  • Posed for some corporate head shots.
  • Spent time on a boat in the Inner Harbor (Baltimore). This did not suck.
  • Gave my notice that I will be moving out of my apartment.
  • Began looking for a new place to live.
  • Blew out a tire. Replaced tire. Vow to improve curbside driving skills.
  • Signed up for a 30 day yoga challenge … and went once. FAIL.
  • Trampolined and trapezed a bunch, but sadly am feeling like my progress is going backwards, not forwards. Boo.
  • Prepared for another birthday … ugh.
  • Kissed a boy. Or two.

So yes, I’m beat. I’m frazzled. And I’m hot and sweaty.

Don’t be jealous.

Hoping to return to normal levels of insanity very, very soon!

Life After Normal

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