Happy day after Valentine’s Day! Or, as normal people call it, Wednesday. (no, I will not call it “hump day”.)
Rather than blab on about the horrors of VD (I’m sure there are plenty others out there who already did that, referring to the holiday AND to the scary medical conditions) I’m going to take a different approach to the day of love (or the day after, but who’s counting) to write a love letter of sorts to my friends. Two in particular: my bridesmaids.
Recently, all of us were VERY much in need of a girls’ weekend. We looked into traveling somewhere (various ski/beach/city options) then realized we’re all broke and can’t afford to do squat. As the only one of us living alone, I invited the girls for a weekend “staycation” of sorts at my apartment — where the food is cheap and the drinks are plentiful.
What a wonderful weekend. I am so lucky to have such amazing friends with whom I can laugh, cry, tell all my hopes/dreams/fears/secrets to — and have them do the same. Although we did venture outdoors once, we had everything we needed inside the walls of my apartment. I was sad to see them go and wish we all lived closer so we could have such gatherings more often.
I’m not sure if our hours upon hours of talking and laughing solved any of our problems or discovered any answers to the meaning of life, but it doesn’t matter. After our time together I felt better than I had in ages, and I hope my friends did too.
Never underestimate the amazing healing powers of time spent with girlfriends.