Two months ago today, I was handed the keys to my new apartment. Today I can say I am moved in. I am (mostly) settled. I live in Seattle.Two months ago today, I was handed the keys to my new apartment.
Today I can say I am moved in. I am (mostly) settled. I live in Seattle.
It’s strange to call a city I’m still so unfamiliar with “home”, but I’m starting to find my way around. I love my neighborhood of West Seattle, and I am (mostly) at the point where I can find my way around here without using Waze. The rest of Seattle is still a bit scary and unfamiliar, but slowly I’m dipping my toe into other neighborhoods as I explore all the city has to offer.
I’m starting to find a routine. My work life is firmly on track, with my office set up and new time zones established. While I am generally getting up earlier for calls and meetings that tend to start at 8 a.m. Pacific Time or earlier, I do enjoy the fact that everyone not on the west coast seems to shut down around 2 p.m. my time. The afternoon peace and quiet has helped boost my afternoon productivity, a welcome and unexpected plus of heading west.
While my circus teaching and training hasn’t quite hit its groove yet, I’m getting more comfortable with the new set up and new styles. I’m trying to establish a regular training routine (not easy for a variety of reasons), and feel like the cobwebs are basically gone. Now it’s time to take on new goals and regain all the strength I lost in this transition.
Seattle really is a beautiful city. From the water and mountains that surround it, to the easy accessibility to hiking, to its unique layout and styles of urban architecture, I’m excited to explore more and more in the months ahead. I’m more than ready to see and try new things and to meet new people.
I’m also ready for a spa day retreat, but one thing at a time, I guess.