This week I begin to pursue (yet another) new chapter in my Life After Normal: I am taking level 1 yoga teacher training! Yes, I am a triathlon(s) drop out — and couldn’t be happier about it.
As you know, the pressure of the triathlon training (particularly the swimming) was stressing me out, which was ridiculous — I signed up for fun and to get back on track with the exercise, not to add yet another source of anxiety to my life. While I enjoy cycling and running, I do not like to swim. At all.
After blogging about my dilemma in Am I a Quitter? A Failure?, I received a simple yet brilliant comment from Shell, who writes at Things I Can’t Say:
For me- I think life is too short to spend time doing things we don’t really want to do. There are so many other things out there to do. And you can still have a big goal, you just change what it is!
Amen! And, exactly. So without guilt I say, goodbye races in 90-degree heat and humidity. Adios, drowning in a nasty-ass pond with a thousand thrashing people trying to kill me. Running and cycling – I’ll fit you in as often as I can! Promise! (but I won’t feel bad if I don’t. Or if I go to happy hour instead. Priorities, people.).
For now, it’s time for a little oooooooooom. We’ll see where this goes – if I want to become a certified yoga instructor, I will need to continue through a 200 hour program (after the 40 hour training I will receive this week). I am not sure that I am ready for that big of a step and commitment, but you never know. To quote from my pre-reading “Living Yoga” book:
A personal practice must be a gift to yourself, not a burden.
It’s about time I recognize that sentiment!