Well it’s that time of year again, the time we all reflect on what we did (or didn’t) accomplish in the 12 previous months, and what we do (or do not) want to achieve in the year ahead. In some ways, I feel that 2010 has been one long buildup of resolutions for me — maybe not necessarily for the New Year, but for my life (my Life After Normal, that is!).
Needless to say, 2010 was filled with personal and professional challenges that I covered ad nauseam in previous blog entries (feel free to revisit earlier posts for details). But rather than focusing on the negative, I would rather look at the positive that came out of it. I learned a ridiculous amount about myself – what makes me tick, what I can put up with, what I won’t put up with, how I define my personal values, and how much I treasure my amazing friends.
Reflecting on everything, I believe that I came out better at the end of these past 365 days – and for whatever reason, for the first time I am really, truly ready to take control of my life. I am giving myself permission to be the cause of change as opposed to only dealing with consequences delivered by others.
So what’s in store for 2011? I am really looking forward to finding out. There are a few changes in the works I already know about and am preparing for; others are sure to be a surprise, and throw both positive and negative energy my way. This year, I am up for the challenge. I am taking control of my life, setting boundaries and taking a few changes and risks along the way. Hopefully they will pay off – but if they don’t, hopefully I will learn something valuable in the process.
So there you have it – my resolutions. Find balance, be happy, learn stuff, get healthy, celebrate friendships, and enjoy this Life After Normal. Care to join me?
Cheers to you and an outstanding 2011! Rock on!
I wish you nothing but happiness in the New Year!